custom made divider...
Hey all,
Well being the clumsy person i am last week while picking up my 20 gal from my friends house ( who was borrowing it for her turtle until she could get a bigger tank) my mom slammed on the breaks thus throwing the tank forward hitting into my seat and smash( I know I know we should of made sure it couldn't slid:S) So at the show i picked up a 35 gal because it was the smallest size i could afford. I relise that it is to big for my 8 month old ( 2 foot long) ball python. So I was thinking that I could just make a custom divider and turn the 35 gal more into a 15-20 gal to allow starburst to feel secure and the divider can always be taking out down the road when shes a bit bigger. The only thing is i'm not quite sure how to build one. If i can get a piece of pexi glass that is of appropriate size i can slide it in place and use something to keep it in place. Does anyone see any flaws to this plan or have another idea? Just want to do it right the first time.
Open to any suggestions
Thx alot
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon