Bp Help Please!!!
Hey everyone,
Today i went to my local petstore to check in some new shipments and unfortunately i saw an "impacted" bp. The manager sed that "it was born with some yolk that it didnt absorb and dried up in its stomach" and thats how it got impacted...i dont beleive that 1 bit, but anyways here is this poor baby bp just sitting in the back not eating, very thin (except for the impacted part) it looks like it ate a hard lumpy mouse. (If anyone has seen the "sausage adventure" on pro exotics, that is what this bp looks like before they got the "sausage" out) and i was wondering if there were ANYONE in Ottawa ontario that can help save this snake, or knows how to get it back on the road to recovery. The petstore owner said i could take it home if i know what i am doing and if i can save it (i have no idea what to do), now i did not have in mind taking a free sick bp home because its free, but the manager sed he will prolly euthanize it sometime next week by freezing it to death and i really would hate to have that happen. If anyone can help PLEASE EMAIL ME, PM ME, OR REPLY TO THIS THREAD ASAP!!!!
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