If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
This year I brumated all my colubrids for the first time. I wanted to get experience for it so I can have some kingsnake babies some year and I wanted to make sure my room got cool enough. It fluctuated between 50-65, although it only got too 65 a couple times for a few short hours, and 80% or more of the time it was right around 55.
Anyways last year without brumation I bred my snow corns together and had 19 first clutch with 100% fertility then with no second matings a double clutch of 13 duds and 1 fertile. Pretty good results I thought.
She just laid her first clutch of this year, (brumated year) and its shabby. 25 eggs, some fertile, some not fertile. Really crappy in comparision since half or more look highly suspicious at this point. The good news is, she looks outstanding, like it never happened. She kept much more weight on this year than last year and I think it has to do with the fact she has been eating small rats like a beast this year.
Both years had the same number of witnessed confirmed matings and a handful of maybe matings that I did not witness.
Obviously not enough to take results from as its only one pair, and it was both of the snakes first brumation.... but its definitly interesting.
Last edited by marisa; 06-04-04 at 06:36 PM..