Frustrated :(
Well I woke up this morning to find Stewie, our Pac Man dead.
I am really upset by this. Not so much because this specific frog died, but because this is the second time this has happened. Our first pac man was almost four years ago. He died a month after we got him. I figured it was my fault and decided to wait on other frogs until I had done more research and had a few more years with other reptiles.
So in January we picked up Stewie.
His water is always clean and fresh, as well as being cholrine free...he has clean deep moist susbtrate (eco earth) which I spot clean, and fully changed out each month since we got him. He had been eating well on gut loaded crickets.....I mean everything was perfect accourding to caresheets, books and others advice.
Why can I not keep a Pac Man alive? It's frustrating me and sad twice now.