Originally posted by jjnnbns
Dry ice and water works well and is fairly inexpensive. Whacking young mice and rats definitely causes them to split and makes a big ol mess.
I've never once had a mouse or rat pup split, and I whack them as hard as I can against the edge of a table, or the bathroom vanity, as I want it to kill them instantly - not leave them suffering and have to re-do it. I've whacked everything from hour old rat pinks to 4-week-old rat pups, always killed them instantly and never had one split.
0.1 Ball Python, 0.1 Creamsicle Cornsnakes, 1.0 Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Ghost Cornsnake, 1.0 Motel Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Okeetee Cornsnake, 0.1 Striped Amelanistic Cornsnake, 0.1 Silver Phase Miami Cornsnake, 0.1 Sunglow Cornsnake