Do eggs create their own heat?
If you read my fridge incubator thread you will know I had a problem with a difference in temperature between the top and bottom rubbermaid. (the bottom one was warmer)
The HCS unit had fixed the problem (by adding more heat to the top tub), but I had not planned to keep it there permanantly.
So, I have been experimenting, and have done almost everything I can think of to fix my problem with the bottom tub being warmer.
I then looked at both tubs and wondered what was different between the 2 (other than placement) - and why would the bottom one be warmer (I beleive I fixed any radiant heat problems I might have had)
Then I realized, there are 26 eggs in the one container, and 14 in the other. When I open the tub with 26 eggs, the obvious warmer air rushes out.
I remember discussing something about eggs with others in the past. The protein changes and metabolic processes going on in the eggs create some heat. I also think I remember reading something about this and it's effects on maternal incubation with Pythons and in gravid snakes.
So, do you think tha the 26 burm eggs in a tall rubbermade tub actually increase the temp in there to be 1.5 F over other temperatures in the incubator (and other tub). I've only got 2 very small holes in the tub.
Roy? Jeff? Anyone? What do you think?