Ball Python Eggs!
No, they are not super-duper pied-albino triple het for caramel reduced pattern spider balls. Just regular old normals...but I'm excited about them.
This is only my second time breeding. The first time was Angel's first breeding 2 years ago. I am letting Angel incubate the eggs herself. I did that last time, too and had a 100% hatch rate. Also, it is an absolutely fascinating process to watch.
Sorry, no pictures. I'm hoping someone thinks to get me a digital camera for my birthday. Not likely, but hey, I can dream, can't I?
Gina L Wolfe
2.1.1 ball pythons (Hector, Kumasi, Angel, Cinque); 1.0 ringed python (Houdini, RIP Diamond); 0.1 jungle carpet python (Indira); 1.1 white lipped pythons (Raphael, Aaliyah); 2.0 Bearded Dragons (Buddha, Perdito)