Hey guys. Right now I plan on breeding and owning my own business someday so I am going to start off early.
Heres what i have (* indicates sexually mature to breed)
*1.1 Ball Python
0.1 Boa Constrictor(she is alittle over a year...ill give her another year or two)
*1.0 Burmese Python (he is at 6ft which I think is a good size to breed ecspecially for a male)
0.0.2 Leopard Geckos
I plan on breeding all of them at one point in time. But I will first be breeding my BUrm
Heres what I plan on getting in bit
0.1 Albino Burm (adult)
1.0 Tiger Retic
0.1 Super Tiger Retic
1.0 BCI Hypo
1.1 Adult Blizzard Leos
DO you think the BUrm will be much of a challenge.
OH! And so there isnt any fightin or anything...please dont post saying there are too many burms and such....I dont plan on breeding them every year...just a few times. And I attend a show which I can but a table at...so no problem selling. I also have the paper....and HERE!
The next thing will be my Leos...cause my female BP is only 6 mo. and I want her at least 2 before she breeds.''
Dont know why i posted this...just excited to build my cage for my retics and burm
I cannoot WAIT!