Now, I'm really worried...
I posted on the topic of my BCC regurging when I first got her in January. The problem was that she keeps on regurging her food. I took her to the vet the first time it happened to make sure she was fine. The vet said she was fine, but I haven't had a fecal done since I've had her because she's only taken a dump once since, and it was in her water dish. I'm so frustrated right now. I don't think the problem is with the husbandry. Everything is fine.
Here's a little sheet on her:
1/10/04 purchased
1/12/04 f/t small rat
1/17/04 f/t small rat
1/19/04 REGURGE!!!
1/24/04 vet visit
1/30/04 shed
1/31/04 f/t mouse
2/10/04 f/t mouse
2/16/04 REGURGE!!!
2/19/04 pooped in water
3/02/04 f/t small mouse
3/11/04 REGURGE!!!
3/22/04 shed
3/25/04 f/t small mouse
TODAY regurged again....what is wrong!!???
I've been feeding her small items, but she doesn't want to keep it down. The regurge still had the shape of the mouse, and it didn't even look digested at all. ARrrggg...this sucks!!!
Buddy says "Woof Woof!!!"