Nutritional comparisson of pinky rat to fuzzy mouse
Hey guys, I moved this out of Karma's thread cuz it deserves it's own.
I have a prey analysis, and actually looked up the info. I will see if I can find the website I got it from and put the link up. It's a pdf file with alot of info, very worth a look.
But, to the topic at hand. This is what I found:
domestic mouse size 3-10g vs rat neonatal under 10g
mouse: protein 44.2% Crude fat: 30.1% Cal: 6.65 per gram
rat: protein 57.9% Crude fat: 23.7% Cal: 5.30 per gram
mouse: calcium 1.47%
rat: calcium 1.85%
there's alot more info in this file, including other vitamins, etc. Lots of info.
If you want it, pm me with your email addy and I will send it to you ( unless I find the link first )
But, in regards to the topic. By the looks of things, rat vs mouse, rat exceeds in nutrition.
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