Handling problems
I have a young Sinaloan milksnake, about 3 months old. when i first got him he was a joy to handle but a problem feeder. now he feeds fine but won't let me handle him.
I've been trying to handle him 1-2 times a week. he's been great until last week when he launch himself out of my hands and made a run for it. when i picked him up again he musked me, which he has never done before. I left him for a few days and tried again. this time he bit me twice.
i had to put him back in his tank as i was scared of dropping him and losing him. there's loads of places in my room he can hide. now even if i see him out in his enclosure and try to touch him he instantly tries to bite. what could have happened in the space of 2 weeks to turn him vicious? do i just have to put up with the pain of being bit and hold him until he gives up?