Komodo on the loose!!!
A friend of my fathers used to live and Houston, Texas. One day he went to a restaurant for some breakfast but got there before they were open. So he waited and waited for it to open. The restaurant was located by a neighborhood where a guy owned a sub-adult Komodo Dragon the GOT LOOSE. While the my dads' friend was waitng he saw the dragon run accross the parking lot into a bunch of bushes. So he went to investigate and once he saw the thing he ran and called animal control. The dragon was captured and returned to his owner who apparently had a permit for the animal. I just though this would be a neat story to tell and also was wondering "Are you really able to keep Komodo Dragons?"
current herps:
4 tadfrogs (mid-change from tadpole to frog) bullfrogs
1 alligator snapping turtle
1 red-eared slider
1 baby ( about 1ft long) american alligator
1 4ft american alligator
1 yellow anaconda
1.1 proven pair of brooksi kingsnake (true brooks)