I don't smell any foul odour at all. I know a few breeders that have been in this hobby much longer than me (10 years, for me) who are not on the net (or barely), don't post here, and wouldn't want their name brought up in a debate (as in 'well, Jeff Hathaway does it this way so it must be okay') because it is an easy way to offend some people if they think differently.
I know there are things that we do differently than many others, and they work for us and the animals we keep. And yes, we're always learning new things, and trying new methods.
I personally subscribe to the theory of heated room + gradients, as stated in my earlier post, and I do find corns, rats, and others using hides on the cool side as well as the warm side. However, I've also kept many things without an extra heat source, so they just have the room temp., and they have been fine. By fine, I mean they eat well, grow, and appear healthy. I'm not trying to breed most things, so that is irrelevant to me. In fact, for some I much prefer that they do not breed!
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!