Vent about another site.......
I just got banned on another snake site because I told someone not to house 2 ball pythons together!
Everyone on that site has the same opinons, "it's ok to house 2 snakes together as long as you quarantine"
I mean I know members on here house snakes together. But they don't take offense when someone else voices their opinon about not housing them together!
I got one of those little email things saying "your done!" I couldn't believe it!!
if you want the site name just pm or email me......
I'm still so in shock over their narrow mindedness (is that even a word? lol)
The Mischief:
Neptune, Zion, Enigma,
Mischief~ Hamster
Last edited by sapphire_moon; 01-19-04 at 09:19 PM..