WHAT!!!now i know,i know shame on me..
interbreeding....and i do know that you are not suppose to keep 2-males together..but there is an exeption to the rules..my boas,when i purchased them,were liveing together since first born.and have been doing so,even in my care.i have never ran into a problem with them fighting,biteing or trying to eat each other.they are healthy,,and doing great..Trust me..they could not be loved more!!!and everyother day or so they hang out together with my wife and i with the 2-dogs, 2-cats, 2-whites tree frogs,2-european toads,1-sudan plated lizard,1-mexican rosy boa,1-solomon island tree boa,1-western hognose snake,1-snow corn snake,4-ball pythons & not but least my personal baby lola!my albino burmese.who just turned 1 years old 2-days ago..and out of all these animals..i have never had a problem,or agression problem either..thank you very much..boo-ya!!