No you definitly would NOT sell at 500.
I am thinking you don't have anything worth over 2000$. Neither do I so do not take that as insult. My point is if you have say two snakes worth 4000 as a pair, they breed and you have four babies worth around 1500 each. You aren't going to drop price until eventually they sell, with high end animals you just sit on them until they sell in most cases.
And as for wanting Womas for 500 a peice? No way. If I am looking for a Woma and I have my 4 grand lets you honestly think that if an ad popped up in my search with Womas for 500 I would go to that person? LOL no way!!!! There is no way I would be "looking for the cheapest" when dealing with high end snakes. You want high end, you get high end regardless of price. You dont take whatever comes long for cheaper as a buyer/collector or breeder.