Forget it all your looking for is argueing as if you know anything about the subject.
I offered experience to explain why you dont just poison your animals every time they arent doing as good as you want them to do. Never treat them as if its maintance or preventative medication, its poison. You should never give deworming meds to an animal unless for that species the meds are proven safe, not considered safe by some people. Never treat a reptile for worms unless its health condition requires that the worms be gone for it to be healthy. A parasite is in 90% of cases species specific and in many cases specific to a certain age or life cycle. Find the real problem, treat the real problem, the cause of the problem, those animals have had parasites since before they were imported with no ill effects, theres a serious husbandry issue to be solved long before medication is needed.
"your theory that parasites cause no harm"
Lets try this again, parasites do not harm healthy hosts period, fix the real problem before you try to poison your sick animal, and prove it needs treated before you poison it on purpose.
"If all you want me to do is kowtow to your monitor experience
then fine, you have way more experience than me. Happy?"
Ive buried enough monitors to know that you dont just treat an animal for parasites unless there is a specific health risk that species is causing your animal not to treat because you think it might be a parasite problem.
" If you want to actualy stand behind your gross misunderstanding of parasitism then I suggest you do a little reading first. I may not have years of experience with them, but there are people out there who have and who have written articles and books and whatnot. If you can do a serious literature review and then come back and tell me again that your above statement is true, we will have something serious to discuss."
Ive read the articles on parasites the books etc and then after I thought it was safe to treat the animals years ago I had it done just that. You know the animals taught me more than the books ever did, since the only monitor experts in this world are monitors, Ill believe what they teach me. And if you read those articles completely they state "if determined to need treated for heath reasons that make the parasite dangerous by a professional vet..."
Ive learned my lesson and buried those animals because of my lack of understanding at that time of what those meds can do to the animal. You go ahead and bury yours but dont just tell someone else to do so also, because your gonna be the one having the finger pointed at when their animal dies.
You argued against Steeve B on this, you argued against Vincent on this, you argued against me on this you argued against others on this, but you have no experience or knowledge to back up your claims, just what some article or book says, whos talking theories???