Hi guys!
Since it is winter in Northern America and little field herping can be done...i figured i'd post a snake i caught while visiting home in december.
...hope it rekindles the fire to rush out and do some herping when spring arrives..
so i was driving on my way home one afternoon on one of the back roads boarded by forest and happened to see this green thing on the road...i almose ran over it but positioned the car just so that it would be between the wheels when i drove over it. i stopped the car about 10metres after that and ran back. my heart almost dropped knowing the possibility that i may have killed what i adore most...a snake. Luckily for me, it was alive!! so i decided to catch it and take a few pics. Well..i had nothing to store it in and i couldn't just dump it in the car and drive...cos that would be dangerous for me and other drivers...so...what did i do?? i took my pants off and tied both ends then used it as a snake bag and then tied the top off...it was hilarious when other cars drove by, seeing me in my underpants with this big green snake!! lol...so enough about it...here are the pics!! enjoy!
At home, my pants that i used to catch it..lol
Head shot
Halfbody shot
Entire length (slipper is about 25cm long...entire snake was about 1.5-1.8m long)
putting it in a normal bag b4 release into same area caught
Release!! yay!!
Hope you guys had fun!!