Humid Hides
Right now I have a Humid Hide made for Montey out of Sphagnum Moss and an upside down tuperward contained with a hole cut out.
My kingsnake doesn't require one because he's content to soak in his water dish whenever he chooses.
And I'll be getting 0.2 Fat Tails which will no doubt need a humid hide as well.
Now my question is, bearing in mind that I always do what's best for my herps, is there anything I can use that's more visually pleasing than a tuperware container? I pride myself on making natural looking enclosures and Montey's tuperware container sticks out like a sore thumb.
However, if the answer is no, I'm sure I can find some way to make it look prettier lol
"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing."