"<i>Neither you nor anyone else on this board has been able to come up with any scientific proof or anything beyond a bunch of B.S. trendy myth herping that lights are bad.</i>"
Invictus, until you have some "proof" of your own that they AREN'T, (and it better be backed by scientific studies) quit your whiny "I love lights parade". In my opinion, a person with a fairly questionable brb set up is giving advice to someone new to brb's. I don't think the wyz is keeping his snakes is the worst possible way but I do feel that people new to brb's reading this post might think that copying his set up is ideal.
And man, don't even try to tell me what I was assuming in my post. I never once mentioned RI or that he couldn't keep humidity up in that set up. I said "<i>And you say you have to spray morning noon and night and have two humid hides.... wonder why????</i>"
You're always asking for scientific proof of everything. Well, step up and do some studies then. Until that time, I put my faith in people who have kept and bred said animals year after year over "B.S. trendy myth herping" dudes who seem to want to force their herp keeping fantasies on their animals.