day gecko care
I ran a search and didn't find quite what I was looking for so I'm giving in and just asking...
I've been interested in day geckos for a while now, they're so nice to look at, I could spend hours watching them in the store... But I don't really know anything about them...
I'm interested in finding out housing requirements, good plants, exact humidity levels and temps, general sizes, temperaments etc. the ones that I'm most interested in are the giant days, yellow throat (island?) days, and the spotted (peacock?) days. I don't know species names, so I'm not sure if I'm getting all this across properly, its hard because I know what I'm talking about, I just hope someone else does too...
But anyway, if anyone has kept these geckos could you please shed some light on the subject for me? It would be very very appreciated!
1.0 Sheepie (Baxter), 4.0 ferrets (Darius, Trooper, Harpo, Remy), 1.1 corn snakes (Rory, Celeste), 1.0 columbian boa, 2.1 leopard geckos, 2.8 fancy mice, 7.0 fancy rats (Matthias, Brice, Galt, Loki, Cirrus, Fothai, Blizzard)