It seems to take an awfulling long time for the mice to die in my gas chamber. i use a shoe box like plastic container, thats where the mice go, a tube is attatched to that witch is connected to a margerine container witch holds the baking soda. a second much smaller shortening container holds the vinegar with a stick to allow flow and stop flow in the middle of it. i use 2 cups of vinager and 3 table spoons of baking soda. but i add more because THEY DON"T DIE!!! the last batch was a buntch of fuzzies and they ended up in there for 3 hours with me adding more and more. i had to kill them manually. (i hate this
) when i check i don't open it i look at the side and see them gasp their little mouths. OOHHH to keep snakes.