Please Help Me!!!! Please!!!
I was feeding my cham 5 minutes ago. 1 1/2 year old Ambanja. She was eating her cricks like normal then she went to shoot her tongue out at a crick and it looked like a blue hoop shape. The ping bally end looks like it didn't come out. She keeps trying to eat like she doesn't understand why her tongue isn't coming out. It looks like she swallowed her tongue.
Is this normal??? She isn't having trouble breathing and doesn't seem to understand, her chin is sucked up more than normal looking, like her tongue is in her stomach. Please help me. What do I do?
It's 8:30 here and no vets open. She seems alright but can't get her tongue to spit out. What do I do????!!!!
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
2.1 Red Eared Sliders, 1.0 Russian, 0.1 RedFoot Tortoise, 1.0 Senegal Parrot
0.1 Giant Frog-Eyed Gecko, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.1 Black Throat Monitor