I just fell in love today with a veiled chameleon. I spoke to BW Smith and he gave me some tips to follow, but I was wondering also from people here who own them, what tips do you have on keeping these beautiful guys?
Do you have a sex preference?
How different are the colorings from male to female?
I know about the supplementation of their diet, and the 2:1 calcium/phosphate levels supplementation, and that they need UVA and UVB light but is there anything else I should really know?
I am only getting one, as all the sites I've seen have said best to keep one per cage and where they cannot see the other, and the other thing I've seen is that they do not like to be handled (which saddens me slightly, should you not handle them at all??)
Anyway any tips or tricks would be appreciated, if you want you can e-mail me, (address is on my member page) just put Chameleon in the subject field cause it will go to my junk folder.
Anyhow, hope you guys can give me some tips and pointers. The one I want is still very much a baby, no bigger than my thumb to the first joint (not counting the tail) and I have a msall tank with screen cover for it (when I get it) so I can keep a close eye on it until it gets bigger, and I have a 35 gallon tank for it at that point.
My only other question is to reduce noise and stress, do you think it is a good idea to buy that aquarium background stuff to cover the 3 glass wall parts of the tank?
Oh yeah, and do they sell one lamp or bulb that gives off both UVA and UVB light that I can buy? do you know the brand name? I already figure I will have to have 2 lamps, one for heat and one for the UVA UVB,but if they make one bulb that does it all, I am so there...
So yeah, that's it for now, please post!!!