Water dragon substrate??
Just wondering how handable are c. water dragons?? Also what substrate is best for them?? The encloser I would use is 2ft by 4ft. I can although build a bigger one later on. Any tips or anything?? Also is 50 alot to pay for one??
New part ----> What would you guys say the best natural looking substrate would be?? I was actually thinking of building an enclosure that was tall so it could climb and the the bottem grass (actual lawn grass) and a pool. What do you think?? But for right now untill I get that done what would look best and more important what's best for WDs??
1.1 crested gecko ( cresty and sticky!)
0.0.1 crested baby
0.0.1 Mali Uro (Spike)
Last edited by Rebecca; 11-20-03 at 11:50 PM..