Is a 30 gal big enough?
I have an old bookshelf that I turned into 2 enclosures with a footprint about equal to that of a 30 gal. tank. I have 2 juv. beardies - 1 in each and they are very happy so far. I was hoping to stay with this arrangement but wanted to see if it was too small.
I have a bigger cage, but it has a small pond with running water. Is this a bad idea with beardies? The humidity usually stays around 50%. Its also about 5 feet tall. There's no harm in a taller cage as long as they have plenty of floor space, correct?
1.1 Beardie, 0.1 Ball Python, 1.2 corn snakes (amelanistic, anerythristic, snow), 1.1 Bahaman Anole, 1.1 Green Anole, 1.0 Veiled Chameleon (Who needs a new home. Anyone interested?)