Disease question??!?!
Anyone ever heard of the disease called thin tail? or somthing like that?? besically i heard that its a loss of apitite and they lose the weight in there tails....oh yeah this is for leapard geckos...theres somthing else that supposidly happens to...i just wanna know if its real and if anyone has ever heard of it and what all happens and how do they get it?!?!
Royce 4 life!! BEEF!!
What I got...
0.1 evil feline
1.0 hedgehog
1.2 leopard geckos
1.1 emerald swifts
0.0.1 blue tailed skink
2.1 fire belly toads
0.0.1 fire belly newt, eatern newt, oregon newt, mudpuppy
and lots of fish...