Well, Hello folks. If I would have known about this forum, I would of been here sooner. A friend sent me a link to the venomous board, and from then on I have been hooked.
Well, about me. I live in central Arizona, and have been a herper for many many years. Most of my herp experience has been field herping, but I do collect a few herps as well, mostly snakes. My collection now consists of:
Crotes: 1.0 C.cerberus; 1.0 C. atrox and 2.0 C.c.cercobombus
Colubrids: 1.1 L.p.pyromelana; 1.1 L.g.californiae; 2.1 P.c.affinis; 2.1 T.e.vagrans
Boids: 2.1 Colombian Boa contsrictor; 1.0 CA Boa constrictor
And....one darn iguana....last but not least.
I find most of my time hiking around in the mountains close by my home, lookin around for snakes, lizards and what else catches my eye. Drawin', reading a lot on herps (natural history reports, yay) and into science. Hope to have some good discussions here in the future. And...if you like...swing by the<a href="http://accforum.proboards23.com/">ACC Forum</a> , where I am a moderator, for more debates and talks of herps. Good to see this site.
Beau Medlar