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Old 11-06-03, 07:55 PM   #1
XxRachxX's Avatar
Join Date: Nov-2002
Location: West mids,UK
Age: 38
Posts: 523
Rat deaths?

since alot of you guys breed rats, i figured you could help me
Both of my rats have died within a week of each other.
the first (baby) had a R.I. come on quite suddenly and couldnt breath. So we took her to the vets, who said it was like a type of rat pnemonia? we got medication she got an injection and we went back a week later, she wasnt any better, so she had a steroid injection and some special food.
She wouldnt eat, so i had to force feed her mushed up "special kitty food" with a syringe.
the last few days of her life, she was wobbling around , then she could hardly walk, if you put her in one posistion she would just stick there and not move. a few days later she died.

my other rat (ratty) was tilting her head, and she had the red stuff in her one eye. i cant remember what the red stuff is called?
apart from bieng a little bit wonky on her feet, she seemed ok! then two days ago, she couldnt walk well just like baby, she wasnt eating just like baby, you could put her in posistions and she'd stay there. she only died about an hour ago...

next part is gross:
i noticed baby had "crusty" green bits on her... to be safe i'll say "girly parts" i just thought she wasnt cleaning herself, i was going to bath her the next day, but she died.
Ratty also had this kind of like a plug of green stuff clogging her "bits" so i got some cotton wool and water and soaked it a bit and a kind of plug came away, then lots of green mucus came out, it was awful, my mother said it could have been her kidneys? or a really bad infection?

i always took good care of my rats, i loved them so much!
i dont understand how they can both die in the same way?
i really dont know what it is i was just wondering if anyone had any input? or information?
thank you
oh yes! i may be wierd... but this wierdo comes with new, improved Live Journal action!
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