info on keeping giants
What is it like to keep these giant pythons? My question is aimed more at those that keep them as pets and enjoy handling them regularly. I keep reading from different keepers and it seems like there is a world of difference. I think they look amazing. I know I don't have room for one now, but I might like to get one in the future. I like what I hear about retics. Although some people talk about them as if they were keeping a monster in their house who was waiting to kill them. Are they safe to handle with just one person? Is there a way to know if you are getting a wonderful pet or a man eating monster before you buy one? How would you recomend someone prepares themselves for giant python ownership? Would owning a Dwarf Retic help to prepare someone for their tempermant? If could get the opinion/recomendation of some experienced keepers that would be great. Does anyone know of anyone in Western Washington who has one that I could talk to and maybe check out? Any information would be appreciated.
2.0 BCI's Jake & Ellwood