Sick water dragon
Alright, so, i'm at my mom's today, and she tells me a friend of hers has a lizard that has something wrong with it's mouth. So, I go to take a look at this lizard, and my heart sunk. It is a water dragon, which I believe to be australian. First of all, it's at least 2 years old. it is approximatly 18". very emaciated, and it's mouth has been injured for "about a year." it looks like some serious nose rubbing. The tip of the snout is brown/black, and looks to be mouthrot or something. Lucky me, I volunteered to rehabilitate this dragon for them. Their hearts are in the right place, and they just need to be better educated.
So, i'm just reading up on some care sheets on water dragons now. Basking area around 95 degrees, nice big water dish, 60%-80% humidity. omniverous..
So, currently, i'm cleaning out a 33 gallon long aquarium for it, i'll have a hide spot or two and nice water dish. I'll go get some crix tomorrow, as well as some lettuce and collards. We have some assorted fruits and stuff already. I will assume that I need to liberally dust everything, as I don't think the owners of this animal knew what i said when i asked if they "dusted the food."
Also, she has a fair amount of retained shed on her tail, so, she's soaking in the tub right now.
Sooooo... help. First of all, she (so i was told) needs to be fattened up ASAP. also, how can I clean up her mouth?
How does it sound so far? i've kept basilisks before, but that was many years ago. I need a refresher!
Now, onward to setting up the tank.
thanks for help!