RI here we go
The Last few days I have noticed alot of mucas coming from Cokes mouth. He exhales very heavily. No weazing or open mouth breathing yet. I have the warm side at 94 and the cool side at 84 with 85% humidity. I just bumped the temp and humidity up last night. the temps were In hte high to mid 80's and the Humidity was between 60% and 70%. I took the soak bowl out of the cage because he never gets out exept to eat. Is there anything els I can do till a Vet visit?
This kind of bums me out I got Coke June 30th. Since then I've put better than 10 pounds and two inches of girth on him. He's alot less jumpy and is a great snake to be around.
I would be very thankful for any help.
Cursive writing does not mean what I think it does. -Bart Simpson