Appropriate Diet? *urdate on uro*
Well ive had my Mali Uromastyx for about 2 and a half months now. They have both always been big eaters and really fat but now all of the sudden in the last short while the female has lost a lot of weight and isnt looking too good however the male is still enormous and eating lots. Their diet consists of Bok Choy, Lettuce (for water), Alfalfa, Corn, Broccoli, chopped up carrots, meal worms and crickets. I know what your all thinking, get a fecal, and I will but fist I need to find out if anyone knows a a vet in Calgary that deals with reptiles. It would help me out a bunch.
Thanks Jeff
1.1 Gehyra Vorax 1.0 Golden Gecko 1.0 Oedura Monilis 1.1 Green Tree Frogs
Last edited by JeffT; 10-14-03 at 05:47 PM..