Talking snake!!!
I have aquired 2 BCI's and Honey, the 5-6' female is very vocal. Her health appears good, although thin for her length, and she just shed out for the first time since I got her. She makes a whistling sound when I first touch her or when her roommate, Jake 4' male that she has lived with, moves over her in the cage. She also will hiss for no apparent reason, and her body language is not threatening when she does. It almost seems that she just does it at random, lying in the cage or cruising about. This is not a full-on aggresive hissing, or fearful thing, I don't think. Has anyone else heard of this??
Also, she defecated in the cage today, but it was not solid as snake poop usually is. Rather, it was liquid and like egg yoke in texture and colour. There was pieces of white solid in it. Any clues? Could it be a stress issue from the recent move ( 6days ago) to my house?
I'm right. You're wrong. Get over it.