Sigh, what to do?
After hours of research, i found a company that finaly interested and wanted to interview me. I was looking for an a apprenticeship(electrician) and i was really looking for for one. Today i went to the interview and well... they said they didn't need me because i was too young and have no experience.
well now, im back on the PC to do some more research... but will i wind up like i did today with another employer? How do people start off? I mean, i'm 19 and of course i dont have any experience in the field. I dont get why i actually got an interview anyway. I hate when i get my hopes up and it crumbles at the spot.
I also went to a place for job connection(some sort of agency), they say they're going to help me find a job and it could take a year. Sigh... This is going to be a waste of a year. My life is turning from bad to worse...