ok here's the deal, 1) She kinda has an on and off eye crusting, when i wake up she's got it, so i spray her and it goes away... kinda weird. 2) i think this is a bigger problem. Her tongue doesn't shoot out anymore. Now this makes me pissed!!! for more than one reason... it was cool!!! but now i have to hand feed her and it makes me sad to see her... well... weak. Is there any way to cure this at home, and what is the cause of it?? 3) she is about 3 1/2 to 4 years old and i got her when she was pretty young. Now, I've just read on this forum that dusting your insects too much or too little is bad, and duting them 1-2 times a week would do it. But when i bought it i was told to dust the crickets every time i fed it, so that is what i did, should i stop that??? I mean this is my first chameleon, in fact, its my first lizard and i think i've taken pretty good care of it up to now, and i really like it. And most of all I DON'T WANT IT TO DIE
These problems only started to arise about 1-2 1/2 weeks ago. I was starting to think it was old age but not so much anymore, so any help would be VERY APPRECIATED, and i can't really take it to the vet cus my family doesn't want to spend the money on it...