Hi everyone I'm new on the forumns here and also new to a 6 month Albino Rat Snake... My Gf and I had him for only 4 weeks now... The first 2 weeks it was very dosile and very non threatening... It shed it's skin after the first week (BTW)... But the past 2 weeks it's been very jumpy and it has lunged at my hands several times... We've asked the employee and the pet shop that we bought him at for some advice. He told us to feed him in a box, somewhere besides the aquarium where he is kept. He ate the fuzzy we gave him, but a little while later when we wanted to transfere him back to him "home" he lunged at the sight of a hand. After getting him back in his home he was very jittery, he's moves around a lot, and when i moved my hand he lounged at the glass towards my direction. What could be the problem??? Temperature??? Hungry (feed it once a week with a fuzzy)???