slugs/snails for sav's?
I am currently breeding af. land snails (i got them for my sav), i dont have any babies worth trying to feed yet. I am wondering how i should go abouts feeding them (when big enough). Do i just leave them in there and let them crawl around? My sav only *seems* to want things that twich and jerk (like a tiny rat or a mangled roach), and will not do jack if im watching him/her. Also i am able to get TONS of slugs (when we get some rain!) should i try feeding them? They are from a totally clean area with NO chemicals.
He also LOVES to eat mealworm beetles, so i dumped a few hundred mealworms in about 3 months ago and they started their own little colony (they eat the plants in the cage). is this a bad idea for any reason, or would it be a good part of a varied diet?
Thanks for any help,