Sick Water Dragon (Help)
OK First off if this is in the wrong spot please just move it.
I have a chinese water dragon that has mouth rot. He has a large absess on his face (about the size of a marble) just below his eye. I am wondering what I should do to get rid of the mouth rot.
It is BAD. He can't open the one eye and is fairly inactive. I have been getting him to eat by putting food in his mouth (not forcing it though).
OK so far he is what has been done. I have been doing Polysporin Eye stuff in the eye and on the absess. Drained the absess last night and it totally filled again in minutes.
I am giving him 1/2 a tab of Tetracycline twice a day. Doing this by grinding it into water and then syringeing it into his mouth. I am washing his mouth out twice a day using a Qtip and Saline Solution to keep it clean.
OK so is there anything else I should be doing ??? Is there anything I am doing that I should not be doing ??
Any Help is greatly appreciated
Proud Owner of:
1.0 Chinese Water Dragon (Timon), 1.0 cat (Maxwell), 1.1 Leos, 0.0.1 Pacman Frogs. Always expanding.