I dunno, I think it would be worse to suffocate than to be knocked really hard on the head.
Do you think you would suffer if someone grabbed you by the legs and whacked you against a wall or desk?
Not if you hit me hard enough! hehe.
Also, when I whack my mice, I whack them hard. The first time I did I check for a heart beat and eye response right after, and of course there wasnt either. Not only that, but my mice were tame and not afraid when they were in my hand. And it takes maybe a 1/2 second to get from the air to the side of the table? I really doubt they feel the same panic they would when being suffocated.
But yeah, there really is no way to kill an animal humanely (heck, even euthanizing them is preced by a pinprick!). But I know either severing the spinal column or knocking right dead against a wall/desk is the quickest way to do it.
Maybe I'm just paranoid of suffocating, I mean I would HATE to drown or be choked! I'm slightly asmatic, so that could be why too.