Adopt a BP???
I have a 'friend-of-a-friend' who is looking to give away his BP becuse he is moving and can't take him with him. I said I was interested right away since I was looking to get a BP possibly next year anyways, but I was looking at possibly breeding a few. Now I have a few questions before I actulally take this guy in. I haven't actually talked to him directly, but these are concerns of mine I got talking to my friend about him.
First is the fact that he got him from a pet store and has no idea if he is CB or WC. He's had him "a while" now, and he eats regularly, and for the most part he says he's fairly well behaved. Does WC or CB matter now that he is 'broken in'...? Obviously he'll be in quarentine for a good 3 or 4+ months once I get him, since I have quite a few other snakes right now and I have no intention of getting them sick if he is also.
Next concern is his diet. He is being fed hamsters right now, and I assume that they are live(first thing I thought was 'Good Grief, think of the food bills, no wonder he can't keep him anymore). I would look to switch him over to f/t mice as soon as I get him. How difficult will this be, and how would I best do this...? Keep in mind, I don't have a hamster to use as scent, and have no desire to get one(I had one as a kid, and they are THE most annoying rodent to have as a pet). Are they fairly easy to switch over...?
Last is the fact that, to be blunt, this guy is a pot-head. Not that there's anything wrong with that in itself, but you can tell he is by talking to him, if you get what I mean. I have no idea if he partakes in this hobby in the same room as the snake, I assume he is though and frequently. Does anyone know if this will affect the snake in any way(ie R.I.)...? Not that a BP that constantly chuckles like Beavis and Butthead wouldn't be hilarious.
Last concern is his health. He says he's healthy, and ultimately I'll make that determination when I finally go see him. I don't want to take him in and find I have a mountain of vet bills staring at me. Anything to look for when I pay him a visit, besides the usual quick eyes, nose, mouth, scale, and mite checks...? If and when I get him he will be in a separtate tank, probably in a different house from the rest of my snakes for 3 months or more, just as a quarantine. I have no experience keeping BPs, just Cali Kings, but I was looking at getting one next year anyways, and I do have room for him. Any thoughts on this...? Should I go for it, or pass...?
California Kingsnakes.
Honduran Milksnakes.
Black Milksnakes.