I know that, I am not saying anything againsy GenerAsain or PCPC. And the breeder if not any of these 2 has the right to stay private. But when you ask a question and get an answer not from a certain source, its like LILCREEP said why they say it that way. I mean most people do not know of GenerAsian, so why answer something that way if the question was who breed them, not who didn' t?
Get my point, its fishy but it does not matter to me either way I am happy with my 2 pairs. I keep my animals private and there source breeder/supplier/location as well. Unless the breeder/supplier/location wishes me to promote him/her.
Even when I sell an animal I give all information I have on that animal to the next owner from total history I obtained, feeds, sheds and any study I made on that animal.
I think and hope people who buy animals off me appreciate the care I put and record keeping I do on the animals.
Peace out no harm