Bearded Dragon Questions
Hey guys, i have 2 juvinille bearded dragons in the same tank, and i am not totally sure on the sex of either one. Now i have heard that having 2 males in the same tank may end up in a deadly battle for dominance, and lately my beardies have started to horse around with each other. By horsing around i mean, chasing eachothers tails skitishly following eachother around the tank fighting for food (at least that is what it looks like).
I was sorta wondering if this is a normal thing between 2 reptiles, or if i should considering seperating the 2 for a while and seeing what happens?
Also i was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to sex bearded dragon, i have heard that it takes a while before you can be certain whether or not your beardy is male or female, i was wondering how old a bearded has to be, and what some of the distinguishable features between males and females are so i can figure out what i have here
all help is apreciated
thanks in advance