is he sick i need some help
I have a young berded dragan maybe 2 or 3 months old and he only has 3 hands becouse him and another berded dragon got into a fight and he lost a hand so me and me frend (reptilez) saved him and treted him back to health. But today he seemed fine so when i feed him he ate normally after watching him eat i went down stairs an hour later i went back up and he wasnt jumping around like he usally does he was just laying there and he stayed there for hours but dont worry he still alive but he seems sick so i dont no what to do or how to help him. itz weird hes just laying in the corner on the little rock i have but i put him to sleep now so im wondering wuts wrong but what should i do in the morning to help him.
1.0 Veild Chameleon
0.0.1 Bearded Dragon