I’ve asked this question I the past regarding my Ball Python- but now I hear it with my Burm. Just about every time she breaths she makes a whistling sound. With the Ball Python I thought it was the beginning of a respiratory infection and got her treated. After numerous series of meds, she still occasionally made the whistling sound (and still does to this day). The outcome with the ball is that she was fine, just made some noises occasionally. But my burm never really did this in the past. When ever we would pick her up she would make the occasional hiss, but she was fine. Today when I was cleaning out her tank she wouldn’t stop the whistling sound. Her temps and humidity are good. I have actually noticed her being a bit more restless, but all our snakes are. The temperature in CT has greatly increased and the humidity is high, so they’re all more active. I was wondering if I should wait this out a bit and see what happens before going to a vet (which I haven’t done since I’ve moved to CT a couple months ago). What are your thoughts on this? Any suggestions? She’s eating/drinking/pooping fine. Not time to shed. ?????