I'm much more interested in snakes but I want to know a little about geckos...
I'm thinking of getting my little sister a gecko or other lizard for her birthday. She will be 11 and has had fish, hamsters, jerbils, newts and the family cats& dog. I think she was interested in a beardie but they get to be bigger than what she would be suited for. Here are some questions I have
- What size tank will be required? Say a 10 or 20?
- How easy are they to care for?
- How hardy are they? I don't want it to die on her
- Can someone show me a good example of a basic set up?
I will of course read up on how to care for them and what they require for an enclosure and heat/light etc. I will also educate my sister as to the proper care and feeding etc. I was thinking I would buy it early and care for it my self for a while to make sure everything is OK but it would also be fun if she went and picked it out at a breeder or pet store.
Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome. Any other lizards I should consider? Cost is an issue so cheaper is better.