Silklady here!
HI, I am the silklady,
you may know who I am if you consider my name. I was just at the last reptile show, Kitchener, and I can't wait for Toronto.
I just recently got myself a hardwicky. Her name is Pudge. She is so awesome and so friendly. I bought a redfoot at the last Toronto show ( thanks Port Credit!), and he/she is doing great. That is Morty the Torty. I have two leopard geckos Max (from my first reptile show, there was a kid named Max running around, so that is where he got his name) and Maximus. Morpehus is my Columbian Rainbow Boa. I have a curly haired tarantula named MR.T . and that is just the beginning....
humm.. about myself... I am a singing teacher, and for my spare time I hang out with my herps. There isn't really much else to say.. but hi and I hope to chat about herps with everyone..