White's with puffy cloudy eyes
Hi, please help!!
Two weeks ago I purchaesd some tiny baby White's tree frogs. Shortly after they arrived (they were shipped) one frog developed a puffy, cloudy eye. The eye almost looks swollen and it has clouded over. There is no sign of any puss or discharge of any kind. I started the frog on kanamycin yesterday because I thought it might have been a scratch incurred in shipping. Well, today a second frog is showing the puffy eyes (both eyes), although they have not clouded yet. The eyes start to look big and seem to stick out more from the top of the head. The eyes also look a bit darker in colour, and really big. I can't post a picture as I do not have a digital camera.
The temperatures are daytime a maximum of 85 and dropping at night to about 70. I mist the tank twice per day and the paper towl on the bottom is always wet. The humidity varies between 50 to 70 %. The frogs seem to be eating (a couple of crickets each daily) and they are pooping at least every second day.
Please give suggestions!
Tara Garratt