housing a corn snake
I've had my corn for just over a year, i got him at a few months old, I feed hiim regularly (around once a week, more often when i first got him) but he's still relatively small (maybe 2.5 feet) so I'm not insanely concerned about the size of his current enclosure (20 gallon long) he seems to do well in it and gets a good amount of out time to crawl around between my hands and my boyfriend's hands. I'm curious what everyone else keeps theirs in, I have a 30 gallon tank that will be free in a month or two and I plan on moving him into that. But since until really recently I haven't considered joining a forum I hadn't found anyone to ask about what they do with their corns. (no one around me seems to like them much although I don't understand why) So any input would be fabulous