Hi guys, I have no experience with super large snake and I know I'll never have one since they really get too large for the space I can give them but I sure love to see them on pics.
My question is...
What would happen if someone was to feed a burm (only an example) 1 jumper mouse a week like we would do with a cornsnake of the same size. If someone was to do that... this snake would not get big, so he wouldn't need to be fed larger preys... would he ?
I know that the needs of this snake is to get large preys in order to grow to its natural size, but what if he is treated from birth like if he was a normal snake and not a future giant ?
Would he die ?
Would he live and simply be smaller ?
Would he grow to is normal size but it would take a century ?
Do worry, I'm not going to try growing a mini-burm,,
I'm just curious since I see that with my baby snakes their growth is directly linked with the size and quantity of the preys I give them.
They seem to digest food in a way that nothing is lost and all that is absorbed by their system goes directly to their growth.
Thanks for your future answers..